

sound & voice

Cosmologists speak about the cosmos coming into being with a ‘Big Bang.’  In the biblical story of creation, Elohim speaks time-and-space into existence.  In either case, it all began with SOUND, for which I will use the inclusive Hebrew word, קול / QOLvibrations heard or sensed in other ways.  One cannot overstate the power of qol, vocalized sounds.  not only do they create new words, they can create new worlds.  Before choosing a FOCUS PHRASE, reacquaint yourself with the power of your voice. 

Reflection: What was the first syllable, or word, that you (or your child) uttered?    

Action: Start with some simple sounds.  How does it feel to say “Ahhhhh!”?  Or “Ooooh”?  Or “Shhhhhh”?  Or “Grrrrr”?  or “Doh.”

Next, try voicing a simple melody.  In Hebrew, a wordless melody is called a NIGUN [nee’GOON], or in Yiddish a niggun [NI’guhn].  Rhythmically or tonally challenged?  Worry not.  It’s not for anyone else’s ears an its not about aesthetics.  Its about experiencing again the raw power of SOUND you can create, of exercising the creative power of your QOL.


script & choice




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7 + 5 =


Jamie Arnold
